My Capillary Schedule
Description :
My Capillary Schedule creates and manages a hair schedule specially tailored for your hair, based on a quiz with questions and tests to check the current state of your hair.
Based on your answers, a schedule of hydration, nutrition and reconstruction steps will be created so that you can make your hair perfect.
Features of My Capillary Schedule mod:
– Unlock All
– No Ads
Install Instructions:
+ If you download to your mobile phone:
– After downloading, it’s necessary to install it.
– After the installation has been completed, the downloaded application can be run.
– It’s simple!
+ If you download to another device:
– After downloading, transfer the file to an android device.
– After transfer, it is necessary to install it.
– After the installation has been completed, the transfered application can be run.
– It’s simple!